Every Sunday morning at 9:00 am (Eastern Time)



Adult Sunday School meets every Sunday morning, and it is taught by Danny Dillman.  


We just finished a 4 year study into "Who is Jesus?" where we proceeded systematically through the four Gospels and looked into:  the Life of Jesus, the character of Jesus, the Mystery of Jesus being fully man and fully God, and Jesus walking through the dust completely depended on the Holy Spirt and in unity with the Father.  


Over  the past 12 years, Danny has served as the teacher taking participants through studies on Hebrews, Ezekiel, Revelation, and the first eleven chapters of Genesis (the Creation).



Who is the HOLY SPIRIT??


We are currently studying the Books of Acts and looking at the question "Who is the Holy Spirit?"  So far, we have discovered the Holy Spirt is a person, a member of the Trinity, and are looking His character, His job, and His attributes.  As we proceed through the Book of Acts, we will see the Holy Spirit in action and will see His Fingerprints.


Here are some answers to this question that we have discussed in class.  The Holy Spirit is:


The Deposit of God and Power (EZ 36:26-27, ACT 1:7-8).  Paul describes the Spirit as the "good deposit" of things to come in 2 Timothy, and we talked about how we have been marked in the unseen realm.  How do you know, that you know, you are saved?  It is this Deposit that states you are.  How do we overcome... of course, the Power.


Life and the Breath of Life (RO 8:5-17, GEN 1:2, 2:7).  The Spirit gives us LIFE, real Life in Christ Jesus.  He is also the One that sustains all life and is the very Breath of Life of God.  We discussed how, without the Spirit, we are no more than dust of the ground.


Guardian of the Gospel and the Only Way to Jesus (2 TI 1:14-18, JO 16:13-15).  How has the Gospel survived for 2,000 years?  Before is was written down or before the majority of the population was literate, how was the Gospel maintained?  Now that we are in a period of Post Truth, Who is going to keep the Gospel relevant?  Of course, the answer is the Holy Spirit.  Additionally, how can you personally get to Jesus, the correct/scriptural Jesus, the answer again is the Holy Spirit.


WIFI Password to the Lord's Network (JO 11:41-44, EPH 6:18, HB 11:6, MK 1:35).  Have you noticed the amount of noise in our culture today?  How much truth is peddled?  How can you find the real truth?  Well, just like there are many (countless) networks that you can see available to you on your device, you have to have the password to access the one you are looking for.  The Holy Spirit is the Password for the Lord's network, and we discussed this.


Chemo of Sin (EPH 5:1-4, GAL 5:24-25, 6:1).  Having been saved, the Lord is going to make changes in your life.  At first, it may be small, but eventually, your house is going to be shaken and knocked about.  What is the Lord doing?  Why does it hurt?  He is making you into His House, His Dwelling Place.  Much like chemo to cancer, He will use His Sovereign Will to remove the bad stuff, sin.  We have a choice to live with the cancer or let Him take it out.


Strength for Today and Life for Tomorrow (2 COR 4:13-18, 2 THES 2:16-17)  Sometimes, just getting through a single day can take all we have...and then some.  How do we persevere?  How do we make it?  The Spirit.  He is Life for today, but He is also the guarantee for Life tomorrow.  No matter how hard this world can be, the Spirit will provide for us, but more importantly, "will raise us with Jesus and present us...in his presence."


Transforming Word and Yield Sign for US (ROM 12:1-2)  How do former sinners (who still like our sin) carry ourselves in a proper manner in a fallen world?  The Spirit.  The answer:  yielding to the Spirit, giving up our selfish wants and desires, and allowing the Spirit to transform our mind.  However, this calls for nothing less then the "death of our sinful nature."  You know, as do I, that zombie is hard to kill...


Check Engine Light (ROM 8:22-27)  The Spirit will groan for us when we do not know what to pray.  He is connected to our spirit (if we are saved and have Him).  Like a check engine light that will display a warning, the Spirit will help us in our weakness.  He will search our hearts.


Omnipresent (PS 139:7-8)  How can Christ live in us?  How can He be with us to the end of the Earth?  The Holy Spirit makes the connection.  He is the One that will bring Christ to us, remind us of His Words, and bring us into the Throne Room of God.  The Spirit is everywhere at once.


World Prosecutor and Jiminy Cricket to Our Path (JOH 16:7-14, LK 23:39-43)  Did you know the main job of the Holy Spirit is to convict the world of its sin??  Jesus tells us this in John 16.  While bring our sin to mind, the Spirit then points us to the One that can take that sin away.  Like Jiminy did for Pinocchio, the Spirit will always point us in the right direction and warn us of approaching danger.


Freedom Badge of Slavery (GAL 5:13-26, TITUS 2:9-12) Before the Civil War, the city of Charleston, SC issued "freedom badges" to slave owners who would in turn issue them to selected slaves.  The concept was that one wearing the badge was free to move about the city without the need for others to stop him and question his movements.  In similar manner, we are free in Christ to move about our lives, but still answer to the Master.  Every single human being will serve one of two masters.  The one bound for destruction or the King of Kings.


Personal "Key" of Filling (EPH 5:15-21)  The Holy Spirit is God.  Along with the Father, He knows what you need.  By surrendering to the Spirit, he will fill you in the same manner a key fits correctly into a lock and opens it.  The concept of a key is easy to understand.  However, this personal filling is not just for your benefit, it is for the benefit of the whole body.  The Spirit is working the Father's purpose to bring 'one bride' to the bridegroom.


Spirit of "Others First" [Barnabas] (ACT 4::36, 11:19-26, 9:26-27)  Maturity comes when we think of others first.  There are many 65 year old children in this country, and age does not make someone mature.  Barnabas is a great example of putting others before yourself.  His selfless example is one we can all follow, it is truly requires the Spirit.  "He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith..."


Spirit of Assurance (1 JOHN 4)  One of the major themes in John's first Letter is the idea of Assurance.  We know that God is in Us and We are in God.  Knowing you are saved will give you a freedom in the Lord (like knowing the safety net is under you) to perform in a way that brings Honor and Glory to the Lord.  "We know that we live in him and he in us because he has given us of this Spirit."  You are saved if you have the Spirit, and you are not if you don't.




We have no idea how many months/years Danny will led us through our current study, but you are more that welcome to join us and walk with us along this journey.  Please consider attending our Sunday School.


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